To create a refuge for artists to fortify their creative wellness in NYC & Worldwide.
Our mission is to combat the transient and fickle uncertainty of our industry by offering tangible, affordable and relatable resources that bring ease, education and efficiency into the creatives overwhelming and busy life.
Our organization provides a stable outlet to foster connection, healing, growth and accountability—and all in an environment that is open, accepting and not determined by a gatekeeper.
Environment dictates energy—and the vision of our wellness and community center is the building of a home base that is creative, welcoming, colorful, inspiring, cozy, energizing and above all else—a space where you can protect your peace.
Well, after nearly a decade in Manhattan, coming and going for jobs and feeling like I’m starting over every time I returned, a worldwide pandemic dismantling our industry and our world as a whole, and then creating a space for the community to grieve together with my first publication “When The Lights Are Bright Again” – the city has not held back when it comes to presenting me with trials, grief, and rejection.
But amidst all of this constant change, the one thing my body, mind and spirit has ALWAYS been craving the most…is community. And I don’t mean the community you get when you are lucky enough to “book the job,” I mean the community that comes from taking up space as an artist every day in this world and remembering WHY we got involved in this world in the first place.
I want to invite you to pause, close your eyes, and think back…what was the moment you fell in love with the arts? With theater? Where were you? How did you feel? What changed in you that day? And I mean before it was attached to money, a paycheck, a craft, a degree, a competition, a skill–but when you felt utterly in love with it, unconditionally, because it made you feel MORE like yourself.
A space for the next generation of theater makers to be inspired and held.
A space for the jaded performer who misses the people deeply, but had to walk away from the system because no one was learning from their mistakes.
A space for the designer to cultivate and grow their impact.
A space for the writer to stop doing it alone.
A space for every artist to be in process at any stage of their career.
We all deserve a break.
We all deserve a safe space.
We all deserve to come home.
I’ll see you at Recess!
- Andrew
You shouldn’t have to book a contract to be able to make friends in your industry!—I believe in this idea! We all need people, now more than ever. And it’s so easy to feel like everyone is against you or “competition” in this industry.”
- Kiara Wade
This creates a space for students and performers to feel support, ask questions, get validation and to simply ask the questions of ‘What do I do next?’ and ‘How do I start opening doors?"
- Jack Sipple
we need spaces to vent, to chat, to network, to uplift, to support, and to collaborate too.”
- Arnold Harper II
If I had found structure and guidance at an early point, maybe I’d have had an easier time navigating the business, instead of learning on the fly like I did.”
- Sam Simahk
-Angelo McDonough
“ I feel the fear of burnout and anxiety in this business constantly, and if there was a place to go that had resources that would have been a lifesaver for me."
- Sarah Ellis
I often stop to take stock of where I am because the motivation of the job is like this hungry mentality that fuels me, but there's also this other side that's very full of gratitude and belonging, and I think Braving the Business bolsters that.”